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Mathea Stern, Körperorientierte Psychotherapie, Hochsensibilität, body-oriented psychotherapy, Traumatherapie, Landkreis Altötting

Mathea Stern

Practitioner for Psychotherapy
Method: Body-oriented psychotherapy

Welcome to my homepage! 

I have always been interested in the meaning of the human existence and what leads to a happy and fulfilling life. In body psychotherapy I have not only found convincing answers to my questions, but also very effective "tools" for my work as a therapist.

A couple of years ago, I discovered the impact of being a high sensitive person - for myself as well as my clients. It turns out that my body-orientated therapy is particularly suitable especially for this group of people .


I studied philosophy, politics and music theory in  Munich. After graduating, I started professional training as a practitioner for psychotherapy, completing these studies with a 5-year course of vocational training in Biodynamic Psychology and Psychotherapy® (Biodynamics). Other therapeutic training courses followed (e.g. EMDR (trauma therapy), Voice Dialogue, Alexander Technique, Yoga, Meditation...). I have been working as a therapist since 2005. Now, after several years' experience working in a psychosomatic clinic, I have set up a practice in the village of Winhoering in southeastern Bavaria.

Body-oriented Psychotherapy

Especially for Highly Sensitive Persons

Warum diese Therapieform

Why body-oriented psychotherapy?

In this method mental and physical experiences are seen as equally important. Its approach is humanistic and rooted in depth psychology. 

Childhood experiences determine our physical structure and organization to a large extend - difficult and stressful ones in particular affect us throughout our lives. This can initially be expressed in a body tension, a restricted breathing pattern or concentration problems.

If the underlying causes are not addressed, symptoms will intensify. Depending on our predisposition, we tend to react to stress either on a psychological or physical level: depression, burnout, anxiety, pain, heart problems... the list is endless. 

I use various techniques to uncover, release and heal these unconscious dynamics. These consist of body awareness exercises, body expression, healing touch, imagination and of course conversation.


Since its foundation more than 100 years ago, body-oriented psychotherapy has steadily gained importance. It opens access to inner healing powers, the possibility of self-development and self-empowerment. Especially in times of overwhelming global problems, the method is a very concrete tool for reconnecting to one's inner compass and to pursuing a coherent, authentic life.


Suitable for the following symptoms:

Cognitive issues

- obstructive beliefs

- distressing memories

- brooding

Physical complaints

- muscular hypotension

- tension

- blockages

Vegetative system issues

- digestive problems

- blood pressure problems

- breathing problems

General symptoms of stress

- being overwhelmed

- nervousness

- insomnia

- various physical symptoms

Emotional issues

- fear, despair

- grief

- anger, rage

- disgust

- unrequited love

Unpleasant body sensations

- pain

- tension, numbness,...

- visual, acoustic,... overload

- sensation of heat/cold

"We must be willing to let go of the life we've planned, 
so as to have the life that is waiting for us."

-Oscar Wilde-

Meetings and Fees

Tippen auf dem Computer

Online-group: "Highly Sensitive Persons"

Highly sensitive persons face extraordinary challenges. They make up around 20% of the population. Due to their sharpened sensory awareness, they frequently suffer from overstimulation. They therefore have to learn to take their own time to process all incoming stimuli, to understand how to cope with this, and to create an environment that meets their particular needs. Being a minority, it's very helpful to establish a feeling of belonging together and being understood. 

The online group will provide the space for all these topics. We will speak, feel, think, see, research, sort out, contemplate,...  in order to live high sensitivity to its fullest. The body-oriented psychotherapy offers a wide range of tools to make you recognize that high sensitivity is a wonderful gift, transforming you into a special, powerful and unique persons. 


Via Zoom we will enter a common space for exchange and support. The meetings will take place by personal arrangement.


If you are interested, please use the contact form at the bottom of the page or send me an email. I'm looking forward to seeing you.

Get in touch for more information or an appointment

Thank you for your message.


0151/ 157 57 331

Mathea Stern

Praxis, Burg 63b

84543 Winhoering

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